sactellier As a matter of fact, listening to music while designing handbags with customized embroideries takes the most of my time.
Do you think, I am joking?

Not so much since even leisure activities require investment and enthusiasm. Nonetheless, this part will only be dedicated to my university work

First year of Master’s degree: Thesis of technical writing and design of a user's guide

Manuel Utilisateur Dictionnaire Electronique
Mémoire de rédaction technique
This users’ guide of a French, English and Japanese electronic was initially only for Japanese speakers. I have translated and adapted it to the need of French-speaking learners of Japanese. It can also be used by beginners who can read kana characters.

Second year of Master’s degree: Thesis of computer-assisted translation technologies and information management:

Semantic and textometric analyis of Japanese web articles about smoking - constitution of a corpus of texts for and against smoking. Analyse textométrique et sémantique de textes numériques japonais - constitution de corpus pro et antitabac
Présentation des travaux
This work has also enabled me to present a sociolinguistic approach to stand out against the mainstream Japanese people's opinion on smoking.

Careers in foreign language and computer technologies

Presentation for undergraduate students in applied foreign languages – February 2011
Présentation aux étudiants LEA févier 2011
Subject-matters: Information technologies and teachers of foreign language – Translators and computer aided translation - other careers in foreign language  : language technology, e-learning consulting, multilingual engineering and natural language processing, strategic foresight, terminology - computer skills and foreign language specialists.

Franco-German career-skills Workshop for Ph.D students :

organised by : FGU and ABG - Lyon 07-11 June 2012
Presentation with Posters (in French)
Du Traitement automatique des langues (TAL) à la formation assistée par ordinateur à distance adaptée au besoin de l'apprenant (From Natural Language Processing to customized E-Learnig)

Contribution to the Ph.D Student Workshop on linguistics and didactics of the Japanese language

organised by CELIJA - Paris 16th February 2013
Towards formalising the Japanese honorification system to generate exercices for intermediate students (presentation in French)

NooJ 2013 International conference at the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) DFKI (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für die Künstliche Intelligenz) - Saarbrücken 3-5 June 2013

Adapting existing Japanese linguistic resources to build a Nooj dictionary to recognize honorific forms

Corpora and Tools in Linguistics, Languages, and Speech: Status, Uses and Misuse - Conference organised by the Research Unit 1339 Linguistics, Languages and Speech – LiLPa University of Strasbourg – UNISTRA Strasbourg from 3 - 5 july 2013 Corpus-LiLpa
in collaboration with :
The Herman Paul School of linguistics(HPSL)and the Romanisches Seminar Universität Freiburg ,
The Computational linguistics and phonetics Saarland university Saarbrücken,
Le Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications Nancy (LORIA)-

Using corpora to find relevant examples of Japanese honorific forms in order to generate exercises for intermediate learners of Japanese

Paper proposal

NooJ 2014 Workshop at the INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations) Workshop programme - Paris 20-24 January 2014

NooJ and the Japanese language : Presentation of the linguistic resources

University of Sassari - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature(Sardinia - Italy) -International NooJ 2014 Conference -
Conference programme 3-5 June, 2014
Università degli Studi di Sassari- Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere -

Recognition of honorific passive verbal forms in Japanese with NooJ