This symposium aimed at presenting the German theater in its own words and staging techniques from the periode of fall of the Berlin Wall,, dans ses propres mots et sa mise en scène, through a retrospective from 1945 to 1968 and from 1968 to 1989.

To quote the presentation that the Goethe Institute made of the same event:

"Il s’agit d’inscrire le présent dans une perspective historique et de mettre au jour, par cette périodisation fondée sur l’histoire récente de l’Allemagne, la cristallisation de moments artistiques forts (le Berliner Ensemble de Bertolt Brecht, la Schaubühne de Peter Stein et Klaus Michael Grüber, Heiner Müller)."

(The purpose is to include the present time in a historical perspective and to reveal the crystallization of high artistic moments (Bertholt Brecht's Berliner Ensemble, the Schaubühne with Peter Stein, Klaus Michael Gruber and Heiner Müller). through this periodization based on the recent history of Germany.)

deutsche Theater

As an enthusiast of German theater, I had the opportunity of attending this conference.

Feel free to read the German presentation I made of this event before the German speaking amateur dramatic group of Paris Ouest - Nanterre university.

The conference took place in novembre 2011 and was jointly organised by Paris Ouest - Nanterre university, the Goethe-Institute of Paris, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Ruhr and University Bochum. This symposium was moderated by university-teachers involved in theatre and scenic arts, as playwrights, stage directors or translators :


  1. Jean-Louis Besson
    dramatic translator, playright, stage-director
    Quotation : « Contrairement à une idée reçue, la traduction n'est pas une "première mise en scène". Ou alors elle se condamne à l'éphémère. Elle doit être tout aussi rétive au théâtre que le texte original peut l'être.»
    As opposed to preconceived ideas, dramatic translation is no first play if so, it would condemn itself to oblivion. It must above all be as resistant to theatre as the original text can be.
  2. Nicole Colin
    teaches dramatic arts at Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam (DIA). Specialist in New German Literature and in culture studies.
    Field of research
    the German theatre of the after-war period within the French stage.
    Member of the International theatre institute (ITI) and the international Heiner Müller's society.
  3. Jean Jourdheuil
    is an author, essayist and a stage manager. He teaches dramatic arts at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University.
    He has introduced Heiner Muller's work to the French public and translated the work of Bertolt Brecht and other German authors into French.
  4. Nikolaus Müller-Schöll
    teaches dramatic arts at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Ruhr, playwright, translator, journalist and drama critic. He is part of the doctoral program «Experience of Time and Aesthetical Perception» of the Goethe University (Graduiertenkolleg « Zeiterfahrung und ästhetische Wahrnehmung »).
  5. Marielle Silhouette
    teaches dramatic arts at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University.
    Field of research
    Cultural history of the German theatre in a European context;
    German theatre from the 19th to the 20th century: history, aesthetics, playwriting, stage-directing and reception ;
    German theatre in the political, economic and social context from the 19th to the 20th century ;
    Analysis of the dramatic institution and theatre jobs;
    Advent of the stage-managing playwright;
    drama critic and reception. Composition of the public ;
    Adaptations and stage directions of classical drama;
    Comparative studies of literary and artistic canons, processes of elaboration and legimitization, evolution.