Retrospective - Prospective - Odyssee of the cinema
Alexander Kluge
La Cinémathèque Française and the Goethe-Institut Paris pay tribute
to the film-maker, film theoritician, author and essayist, Alexander Kluge through
a retrospective of his whole cinematographic work as well as his new films which have not been released yet.
The name of Alexander Kluge cannot be seperated from the
Oberhauser group.
I would like to present the two shows I attended.
At the Goethe institute : Meeting with the author.
To quote Alexander Kluge "Cinema is still a young art form which was born the same year as of one his grand-mothers.
During this evening event, he read aloud two anecdotes to us about his grand mothers,
One of these anecdotes is extracted from his book Das fünfte Buch - Neue Lebensläufe - 402 Geschichten
[The fifth book. Case histories. 402 stories] Sample translation in English.
Then he went on with other anecdotes and offered us a lesson of philosophy with an unsmiling clown as a teacher
As an attached file you could read
A DETAILED ACCOUNT, I wrote out about the events.
December by Alexander Kluge and Gerhard Richter -
composed of thirty-nine short stories by Alexander Kluge
and thirty-nine images by Gerhard Richter
Abstract: in December 2009, Engadin valley. Two German great artists
met at Waldhaus hotel to discuss a common project:
storytelling through words and pictures.
You could directly read
SOME EXCERPTS OF THE BOOKS IN ENGLISH which has been published by the NYRblog : Roving thoughts and provocations from our writers
Minute-film presented at the Goethe Institut Paris
- Reading news with music;
- The gentle cosmetics of lights;
- Toplight, backlight, keylight;
- First time;
- The living monument;
- Computer and candlelight;
- Three Pieces For Two Pianos ;
- The Studio Lights Dream of Their Real Life at Night .
The Yesterday Girl
"What separates us from the past is not an abyss but the changed situation."
Film director: Alexander Kluge
Story line: Alexander Kluge
Actors: Alexandra Kluge, Hans Korte, Josef Kreindl, Günther Mack, Harald Patzer, Alfred Edel, Fritz Bauer, u.a.
Production years: 1965/66
Film duration: 84 Min.
Free translation of a scene from the film "The patriot" (1978)
Gabi Teichert gets up the stairs leading to the SPD party congress.
Original soundtrack of a SPD plenary session: Gabi Teichert attends the plenary session.
She tries to talk these SPD representatives into finding a way so that the German history
could be taught positively to high school students.
The SPD representative : "Mrs Teichert"
He is still not convinced.
Gabi Teichert: "Now, allow me to go be back to the main idea, I'd like to develop.
The history books where are used in high school teaching are not worth teaching to students .
The reason is not because Germany lacks history in the making,but only because Germany history cannot be taught positively to high school students."
The SPD representative : "Well ..."
Gabi Teichert: ... "That is part of my job, so I ask you to help me to fulfil this task." .
The SPD representative, doubtful and perplexed
Gabi Teichert: "… The final product of the history in the making is the starting point of what is taught."
at school. …
The different ways of giving a kiss,
Electrocuting an elephant,
A film shot by the Edison compay in 1903,
North-Korean female soldiers marching with goose steps and classical ballet dancers: the dance of the power.